Peninsula Association for the Education of Young Children

Peninsula Association for the Education of Young Children © 2016    Privacy Policy 


  • Peninsula Association for the Education of Young Children, local affiliate (#9) of the statewide (CAEYC) and national organization (NAEYC), serving Santa Clara  and San Mateo Counties.​
  • —We are educational stakeholders who want to interact with and serve local early childhood professionals.  We are also interested in forming connections with other local organizations serving and benefitting local teachers, directors, caretakers, and advocates for young children..

why you should get involved:

  1. —To gain new skills
    —To improve your community
    —To meet a challenge
    —To meet professional colleagues and make new friends
    —To take a leadership role in your profession
    —To gain work experience to help get a job
    —To advance in your current job
    —To be more tightly linked to the ECE goings-on in your community
    —To gain professional support
    —To gain knowledge of current ECE issues
    —To gain fresh ideas
    —To break out of your daily pattern
    —To network with other professionals in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties

PO Box 9702 San Jose CA 95157-0702

Members of Peninsula Association for the Education of Young Children include TK teachers, family child care providers, preschool teachers, administrators, professors, families and business members– a testament to the warmth and spirit of this learning community.